Loving Others

From birth all of us love ourselves. We think of our own needs before others. We want what will make us happy with very little concern for the people around us or the situational circumstances. We love ourselves. So when Jesus tells us that the second greatest command is to “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (‭‭Mark‬ ‭12:31‬), we are in for trouble. 

I can’t help but think of my almost 12 week old daughter when reading this passage. When she is hungry she doesn’t care that the bottle needs to be warmed, her diaper needs to be changed, or the fact that mommy can’t drive and feed her at the same time. She loves herself (even though she hasn’t been taught to do this) and could careless about the circumstances. 

So if we are to love our neighbors as if they are ourselves, we are to care for them as if they are us. This isn’t natural for us. We want to take care of me, myself, and I before anything. Becoming a wife taught me that my husband and his needs had to be placed before mine. This was hard at first and I have to consciencely decide to put Kyle first daily. Becoming a mom taught me about this even further because my daughter can do nothing for herself, unlike my husband. I must feed her before myself, bath her before myself, dress, soothe, and care for her before me. Even as I have been writing this I have stopped several times to love and care for Hannah. 

Jesus says we should love our neighbors as ourselves. The word neighbor does not mean the people who live on either side of you or in your neighborhood only. Neighbor pretty much means any person you encounter during the day. We are to love others, not just our next door neighbors, the way we love ourselves. Think about it! Love everyone the way you love yourself! That’s crazy hard!!!

So today, and each day moving forward, I want God to teach me how to love others the way I naturally love myself. Putting them before myself. Caring for their needs, physically, spiritually, and emotionally, before my own. 

Loving God

God has used these past 11 weeks to transform my definition of love. I think he is going to use the rest of my life to teach me about love to be honest. Each day my love for Kyle grows, my love for Hannah deepens, and my love for God is abundantly changed. Jesus tells us to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’” in ‭‭Mark‬ ‭12:30‬. I do not think I will ever be able to complete this command. If you really think about what Jesus is asking of you…it is overwhelming. 

Heart- my heart is so emotional (people tell me it’s the hormones) lately and seems to be on a rollercoaster of a ride. But my heart should be loving God with its entirety. The scripture doesn’t say Love the Lord your God with a piece of your heart or most of your heart. It says with ALL of your heart

Soul- your soul is a weird thing to think about. Dictionary.com defines soul in these ways:

  • the principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans, regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body, and commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; the spiritual part of humans as distinct from the physical part.
  • the spiritual part of humans regarded in its moral aspect, or as believed to survive death and be subject to happiness or misery in a life to come

Jesus is asking us to love God with the spiritual part of our beings, not just the physical. Our physical bodies with die, but our souls will live on. I think Jesus is pointing out that our love for God is something that should continue on forever, not just in our physical beings, but in our eternal souls. 

Mind- can anyone control their minds? I’m sure there are some who can or think they can, but I struggle to control my thoughts. My sinful nature thinks judgmentally before I even realize what is going on. Jesus commands us to love God with all of our mind. This includes our thoughts and knowledge. They are to be God loving focused. That is so hard!

Strength- when I think of strength I think of my physical being. Although lately I have prayed more for emotional and mental strength (leaving Hannah each morning is only by strength from the Lord mentally and emotionally). We are supposed to love God with our strength, all of it, physical, mental, and emotional . 

When Jesus is answering the question “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” He gives us this one. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’” (‭‭Mark‬ ‭12:30‬). Each morning I pray that God would teach me how to love him this way. Each day I hope to be able to love God this way. Each night I know I have failed, but strive to be able to love God the way Jesus commanded. I hope that God will continue to teach me about love and how to love him for the rest of my physical life and spiritual life. 

Night Time

I have been back at work for four weeks now and Jesus blessed me with a baby who sleeps through the night. My first day back at work was preceded by baby girl sleeping for 9 hours straight. In the weeks since she has only gotten up in the middle of the night once and this morning she woke up about an hour earlier than normal. I couldn’t ask for a better night time baby. I hope she continues to sleep this well!

My Heart May Explode

Baby girl is two months old… where did the last two months go? 

As I am enjoying my fall break (yes I went back to work two weeks ago 😔) I can only express my feelings by saying my heart feels like it will explode with love for my sweet pea. She has brought so much love and joy into our lives! We feel so blessed!