Pecan Pie and Big Secrets

I love Thanksgiving! It’s a time to visit with family, eat a ton of great food, and look at Black Friday ads. Six years ago I was getting ready to graduate college and marry the man of my dreams. I, being the great fiancĂ©e that I was, wanted to make a dish that Kyle would love for the holiday. He told me pecan pie. I don’t eat pecan pie (it’s too sweet!) and neither does my family, so I looked up a recipe online. I used Paula Dean’s recipe (you can’t go wrong with Paula) and my Nanny’s pie crust recipe. Between the two I had a hit! His family loved it and demands that I bring pecan pie, or pies, for all family gatherings. So yesterday I did my usual pre-holiday prep and made my pecan pie.
I also spent the day remembering last year. Last year at Thanksgiving Kyle and I had a BIG secret. We took a pregnancy test the day before Thanksgiving and it was positive! For the first time ever we saw two pink lines! We kept it to ourselves until we had blood work done and celebrated the holidays so thankful for our BIG secret. 

This year Hannah is here. We are a happy, healthy family of three. We have so much to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

So Many Prayers Answered

These last five weeks have been full of emotions, but the best feeling is the joy my heart is full of. So many prayers have been answered through our new family member. Not only my prayers or my husband’s prayers, but our family’s, small group, and friends’ prayers. As I see each person hold her, I am overwhelmed by how that person’s prayers have affected our lives. 

To each of you who prayed for me and Kyle as we walked through infertility, thank you. To those of you who prayed over our lives, hopes, and future family, thank you. To the people who prayed for Hannah before we knew her, thank you. To the ones who cried out prayers for our blessing to come to us, thank you. I can’t say it enough…thank you for praying for us. 

Now is they time we need to praise God for all of the answered prayers. Will you praise the Lord for his blessings today?

Lord, You are good and faithful. You knew the plan and timing for our daughter to join our family. Today, and each day moving forward, I want to praise you for your gift of Hannah. Thank you for the journey that brought her to us. Thank you for trusting me and Kyle to raise her. Thank you for surrounding us with likeminded friends and family to pray for us and praise with us. Guide us as we raise Hannah. Teach us how to be parents. We love you and praise you for the shower of blessings you pour out on us! Amen. 

Blessings Poured Out

We have been beyond blessed in the last few days with gifts for Hannah. At the end of the school year my students were bringing in clothes and toys for her. My favorite were the sweet notes and drawings they were making for her. Of course I am keeping all of them for Hannah’s baby book!


Then we had a baby shower with family and friends on Saturday where I was shocked by the love that was poured out for our dear little girl! My mom and her best friend showered us with blessings and gifts and I was overwhelmed with joy that so many others are excited about our little bundle of joy.
During our first day of post planning, we had a school baby shower where yet again we were abundantly blessed with gifts and love for our sweet little girl! Thank you third grade ladies for hosting such a beautiful shower and covering us with so much love!

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