Just Be Held

You know how some songs just touch your heart? That is what this song is for me…close to my heart and meaningful beyond what I can describe.

So many times when I was searching for a job, trying to get pregnant, making a transition at work…dealing with life…I have felt like I HAVE to be strong. Like I can’t show weakness or be real. Sometimes during these times of “needing” to be strong God throws another loop into the roller coaster of life. When I was job searching—Kyle lost his job. When we were trying to get pregnant—most of our friends became pregnant. When trying to prepare to be a fifth grade teacher—take on more leadership in the school.

I am sure that you can think of several times where this has happened to you.

Many times when things like this happen we are already tired because we have been trying to be strong…do it ourselves…show no weaknesses. But let me tell you from experience that surrendering control to God is so much better. Laying down your worries, frustrations, needs, wants, EVERYTHING at the feet of Jesus is not showing weakness. Its showing trust in God to take care of you. Its showing faith in Jesus to intercede for us when we don’t know the words to pray anymore. Its showing that we are human and not God.

So many times I have found myself on my knees, crying out to God for answers, begging for a sign and don’t feel like He is anywhere near me. God’s word promises that you are not alone (Matthew 28: 20) so just let go of what you are gripping so tightly. Let God hold you today. Let Him carry your burden.


My favorite part of this song is Your world’s not falling apart, it’s falling into place. When we were both without jobs…it felt like everything was falling apart. How were we going to pay our bills? buy food? make it? God showed up—I was blessed with a teaching job two weeks before pre-planning and Kyle was able to go back to school to become a youth pastor. When we were trying to get pregnant…it felt hopeless. We were both healthy, nothing wrong except our timing. God showed up—After 27 months of trying, God blessed us with a baby girl (due in August!) Although it felt like our world was falling apart…God’s plan has everything falling into place…the perfect place…at the perfect time (Ecclesiastes 3:11).


When we  were trying to conceive I read a book called Pregnant with Hope. In it were a list of promises from the bible. I have these promises posted around my home, classroom, EVERYWHERE. I stop and read them often because there are times where I need to be reminded of the promises God has made me. I have the promises in a PDF here for you.

Let these help you focus on the cross instead of the storm you are walking through. Know that your pain and grief are real and not silly. God has a plan for all of the emotions you are feeling. He is going to make something beautiful out of the mess that you are in. He is holding you in the palm of His hand!

Today, will you let go? Will you trust God to take care of whatever you are in the middle of? I beg you to stop holding on…and just be held.

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Blessings Poured Out

We have been beyond blessed in the last few days with gifts for Hannah. At the end of the school year my students were bringing in clothes and toys for her. My favorite were the sweet notes and drawings they were making for her. Of course I am keeping all of them for Hannah’s baby book!


Then we had a baby shower with family and friends on Saturday where I was shocked by the love that was poured out for our dear little girl! My mom and her best friend showered us with blessings and gifts and I was overwhelmed with joy that so many others are excited about our little bundle of joy.
During our first day of post planning, we had a school baby shower where yet again we were abundantly blessed with gifts and love for our sweet little girl! Thank you third grade ladies for hosting such a beautiful shower and covering us with so much love!

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Baby Shower Host Gift

My first baby shower was this weekend and we felt overwhelmingly blessed by family and friends! I wanted to make sure to thank the two lovely ladies who hosted the shower and found a cute idea on Pinterest…so of course I had to make it!

Thank you for “showering” us with blessings! ~Kyle, Danielle, and Hannah

I simply purchased some body wash and loofahs from the store and made a cute tag with some scrapbook paper. I love simple gifts that are still sweet!

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DIY Hair Bow Holder

I am a Pinterest fan and have been finding fun projects for Hannah’s room for months now. I completed one of them this week and can’t wait to use it!


  • Picture frame (11 x 14 or bigger)
  • Paint (optional)
  • Ribbon
  • Hot glue

I used an old picture frame and simply removed the glass and backing. I then painted it to make it go with my color scheme. 

So then I gathered pink ribbons (I had plenty in my gift wrapping basket) and hot glued them to the backside of the frame. 

I then made a decorative knot for the corner of the frame and hung it on the wall. 

Super simple, and super cute!

All Good Things Must Come to an End

Today was the last day of school. This concluded my fifth year teaching and begins my official transition to fifth grade. It was very bittersweet. 

I love third grade! The age of the students, the content taught, and the lightbulb that comes on right after Christmas break each year. 

I adore the women I work with in third grade! I could not ask for a better group of people to show me how to be an amazing teacher. They have been my friends, work-moms, big sisters, allies, and role models. These are women who lift me up in prayer and surround me with love. I will miss being with them all day everyday. 

But today, I must begin to prepare for new friends in fifth grade. I need to start wrapping my head around the maturity of 10 and 11 year olds. The content will be refreshing and make me work harder at preparing to teach-which I find fun.

So, goodbye third grade. You will be missed. Hello, fifth grade! Let’s do this!

You’re Moving Me Where?

School is coming to a close, and for many teachers that means reflecting on their year and looking forward to teaching a new batch of students in two months. Typically I sit around and think about how I could be a better third grade teacher, but this year I am thinking You’re moving me where? You want me to be a fifth grade teacher? You do remember I am having a baby three days after school starts back??? Yep, that’s right…my five years in third grade are ending and I am beginning a new chapter in fifth grade.

To say that I am overwhelmed would be an understatement. With a move like this comes a HUGE list of things to do before August.

  1. Sort out my stuff from the school’s third grade stuff
  2. Pack up my stuff
  3. Pray
  4. Move to new classroom
  5. Find fifth grade stuff
  6. Pray
  7. Print new standards
  8. Research new standards
  9. Pray

The list could go on forever!!!!

On top of a move to a new grade level, some how my principal thinks I should be a grade level chair person…WHAT?!?

We have spoken. I have voiced my concerns. He says he still thinks that he has made the best decision for his school…so here I go…off to 5th grade…as a grade level chair.

The only positive to this entire transition is that my teaching partner (we have been together 4 years now) is also headed to fifth grade with me. We are moving as a unit and I LOVE that!!!

So my life is becoming more interesting as Hannah’s arrival is approaching…but I am excited to still have a job (doing what I love), be remaining with my teaching partner (whom I love), and be trying new things!!!

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Ever Be—Mother’s Day

Saturday, a week ago, late into the night, I was laying in bed crying softly while Kyle held me. After several minutes of soft sobs, he asked me why I was crying. I whispered, “I can’t believe I get to celebrate Mother’s Day. It makes no sense why we are pregnant while others we know still struggle with infertility.” As I continued to cry, Kyle reassured me that it’s not about us, but about God and His blessing and timing for us.

I have no clue why God blessed us with Hannah, but I am so over joyed that He did.  God is so good!

Our church drama team did card board testimonies on Mother’s Day to the song Ever Be. We were asked weeks ago to be apart of this.

We gladly wrote our sign for the song, and I cried as we held it up for the church to see.

My first mother’s day was so special! Kyle made sure I felt loved, appreciated, and like the mother Hannah has made me…BLESSED!

How was your Mother’s Day?

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With you, Life’s a Picnic

Saturday afternoon we celebrated Kyle’s brother, Kevin, and his soon to be bride, Erin, at a picnic themed couples shower!

Weeks ago I designed and printed these simple invites:

My mother-in-law and one of her close friends did all of the yummy snacks. 

The gift table used a picnic basket for cards and an “Established” sign for decoration. 

Here is a close up of the sign at my house before the party:

On the tables, we used plain white table clothes, a yellow placemat in the center, with live flowers on top. 

My sweet sister-in-law wrote our entryway chalk board sign.

It was a great day celebrating with family and friends! 

A Mom to Teenagers

No, I have never given birth. No, we did not adopt. No, we do not foster. However, when one of the teenagers in our youth group needs us, we jump into action and become “parents” whenever. 

Thursday night we hosted our small group bible study. After everyone had left and I was cleaning up, Kyle tells me one of the girls in the youth group is having family problems and may need a place to stay. Well, let’s go get her. It turned out her stepdad had taken her back to her mom from a friends house that night, but last night she stayed with us.

I love the students in my class, but the teenagers in the youth group have me wrapped around their fingers, especially this young lady. 

Don’t worry. Her parents know she is with us! We had an ice cream outing last night, followed by her picking a movie (Star Wars) to watch at home. Today she will either tag along with us to a couples shower and Mother’s Day/birthday dinner or go hangout with some other girls from our youth group. 

I love that she feels safe with us, wants to stay with us, and knows she is loved by us! Being a youth pastor’s wife means so much more than going to camp, Six Flags, and church every time the door is open. It means loving teenagers and helping them the way Christ would in some of the most difficult times in their lives. 

If you can, stop for a minute and pray for this young lady and her family! She could use some comfort and peace in the storm her family is in. 

My Current Praise Song

Currently I am stuck on one song as I praise God on the way to school, church, in the shower, cooking dinner, ALL the time! It is called Closer by Amanda Cook. I had no clue who Amanda Cook was until I heard Lauren Daigle perform one of her songs at the Move Conference in December. I immediately bought Amanda’s entire album and am now stuck on Closer. The lyrics are so personal and are the cry of my heart right now, in this season, today!

Your love has ravished my heart
And taken me over, taken me over
And all I want is to be
With You forever, with You forever

Pull me a little closer
Take me a little deeper
I want to know Your heart
I want to know Your heart
`Cause Your love is so much sweeter
Than anything I’ve tasted
I want to know Your heart
I want to know Your heart

Whoa, whoa, how great Your love is for me
Whoa, whoa, how great is Your love

Pull me a little closer
Take me a little deeper
I want to know Your heart
I want to know Your heart
Your love is so much stronger
Than anything I’ve faced and
I want to know Your heart
I want to know Your heart

What song are you listening to over and over again?

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