Ever Be—Mother’s Day

Saturday, a week ago, late into the night, I was laying in bed crying softly while Kyle held me. After several minutes of soft sobs, he asked me why I was crying. I whispered, “I can’t believe I get to celebrate Mother’s Day. It makes no sense why we are pregnant while others we know still struggle with infertility.” As I continued to cry, Kyle reassured me that it’s not about us, but about God and His blessing and timing for us.

I have no clue why God blessed us with Hannah, but I am so over joyed that He did.  God is so good!

Our church drama team did card board testimonies on Mother’s Day to the song Ever Be. We were asked weeks ago to be apart of this.

We gladly wrote our sign for the song, and I cried as we held it up for the church to see.

My first mother’s day was so special! Kyle made sure I felt loved, appreciated, and like the mother Hannah has made me…BLESSED!

How was your Mother’s Day?

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