Recharge, Paint, and Save Money

Everyone has different ways to recharge. Some people need to be around people, others need to be alone. Some need to be creative, while others need mindless activities. After a week of testing, I was looking forward to a morning alone with my worship music playlist and painting Hannah’s room. That is how I recharge: alone, worshipping God!

I’ve always heard that you shouldn’t pay someone to do something you can do yourself. And when you have no money, like us, this is especially true. I have been painting rooms with my mom for as long as I can remember. It is super simple and just takes a few quick and easy steps.

  1. Clean your trim work. If it needs to be repainted, this is the time for that.  
  2. When the trim is dry from being cleaned, or completely dry from being painted (at least 24 hours), use painters tape to cover all trim edges. Remove light plate switches and outlet covers. Now you are ready to paint.                 
  3. I like to paint one wall at a time in this order: edges, corners, everything else. I use a flat padded tool for edges, a brush for corners, and a roller for everything else.                                                                                        
  4. After the entire room is painted, wait about one hour for everything to dry. Then go back and look for places that need a second coat or touch up. Make sure to get close to the walls and look for speckles that are not your paint color.  
  5. After another hour, remove the painters tape. Do this at about a 45 degree angle for best results. You may find that some spots need touching up. Use a small paint brush for these.
  6. I like to wait a full day before putting my furniture back, but not everyone has that much time.

So not only did this task save us money, but it gave me a chance to recharge and love on my sweet girl before she arrives!

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